Women Who Code Delhi Mentorship Program 3.0 : Week 1

Hargun Kaur
2 min readFeb 7, 2021


I was seeking some guidance to get started again with my core interest which is coding and how to grab new opportunities , I had a short discussion with one of my senior at college and she suggested me to apply for Women Who Code Delhi Mentorship Program 3.0 ,

so I closely following up the linked in :https://www.linkedin.com/company/women-who-code-delhi/

The application started which consisted of an essay question and some contact info . So after some days I received a mail that I have selected as a Mentee at Women who code DELHI Mentorship program.

I was selected as one of the 50 mentees among thousands of applications received for the same .The email had information about the program and different agendas for upcoming 5 weeks along with a code of conduct that we were asked to follow .

Then We had a introductory meet call so that we can get familiar with the program.

Then We were made to a group of 3 mentees and 1 mentor . So my mentor is Sanchi Bisht . She conducted a meet with our group for 1 hour where we discussed about upcoming opportunities , how we can work to achieve them . What i liked most in this meet call was more emphasis was given on our personal goals and milestones which we want to achieve.

She told us all to go for solving DSA questions because we all wanted to prepare for our upcoming internship/placement seasons. She suggested us to go for InterviewBit and leetcode’s top interview questions.

After the meet call , I felt a great enthusiasm to do more . It was a wonderful experience for me connect such an amazing teammates and guiding mentor .


  1. MLH fellowship
  2. GHC scholarship
  3. Outreachy internship

I am eagerly waiting for next for weeks .!!



Hargun Kaur

SWE Intern @GitHub USA’21 | Upcoming Intern ‘22@ Microsoft | Founder @Codeflow | MLH Summer & Fall (Software Engineering track) Fellow’21 | Microsoft Engage’21|